Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Living Epistles

Did you ever consider the fact that your life may be the only "epistle" that the unsaved ever read? 2nd Corinthians 3:2 says " Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men. . . written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God." Even if we are unable to witness to our neighbor, our life can speak to the faith we hold dear. Charles H. Spurgeon may have said it best in his book "Only a Prayer Meeting" "When saints live unto God, sinners are converted to God. 'I was converted,' said one, 'not by hearing a sermon, but by seeing one.' 'How was that?' he was asked. 'My next-door neighbour was the only man in the street who went to a place of worship; and, as I saw him go out as regularly as clockwork, I said to myself, "That man regards the Sabbath, and the God of the Sabbath, and I do not." By-and-by, I went into his house, and I saw that comfort and order reigned in it, while my room was wretched. I saw how his wife and children dwelt in love, and I said to myself, "This home is happy because the father fears God." I saw my neighbour calm in trouble, and patient under persecution. I knew him to be upright, true, and kind, and I said to myself, "I will find out this man's secret, and thus I was converted."' Preach by your hands if you cannot preach by your tongues." Or as it has been said another way. . . Preach the gospel to every creature and when necessary, use words!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Old Reliable

As I finished reading R.A. Torey's "The Power Of Prayer" the phrase "Old Reliable" came to mind. I say that because there are some disciplines of the Christian faith that never fail. They are the old reliable truths. Prayer,personal Bible study,soul-winning... they are all on that list. If we are serious about serving God and growing in our faith, there comes a time when we have to ask ourselves "what works?". What things has God used in my life to bring me closer to Him? May I propose that it is the fundamental "blocking and tackling" of the faith;practiced by believers since the days of the early church, that has served believers well through the years. I think the prophet Jeremiah put it best when he said: "You are standing at the crossroads. So consider your path. Ask where the old, reliable paths are. Ask where the path is that leads to blessing and follow it. If you do, you will find rest for your souls.”(Jeremiah 6:16)Is your soul in turmoil? Are you at a crossroads in your spiritual journey? Choose the old reliable path!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Prayer is the Key

Prayer is the Key

Go through your Bible and you will find that prayer is the key to every every conceivable spiritual blessing. It is in answer to prayer that:

1) The words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart are made acceptable in God's
sight. (Psalm 19:14)
2) We are kept from temptation and delivered from the power of the wicked one(Matt,6:13)
3) God empowers us with His Holy Spirit (Luke  11:13)
4) Heals the sick. (James 5:15)

These and many others are available if we are only willing to take the "key" and open
the door to blessing.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Prayer Is No Petty Duty

Prayer is not a little habit pinned on to us while we were tied to our mother’s apron strings; neither is it a little decent quarter of a minute’s grace said over an hour’s dinner, but it is a most serious work of our most serious years. It engages more of time and appetite than our longest dinings or richest feasts... The character of our praying will determine the character of our life. Shallow praying will make shallow life.

The Christian must be preeminently a man or woman of prayer. Their heart must graduate in the school of prayer. In the school of prayer only can the heart learn to live. *No learning can make up for the failure to pray. No earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack.*

Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still. He will never talk well and with real success to men for God who has not learned well how to talk to God for men. More than this, prayerless words in life are deadening words.

E.M. Bounds

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When to Pray

In the 1st chapter of Mark, the 35th verse, we read, "And IN THE MORNING, rising up A GREAT WHILE BEFORE DAY, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." JESUS CHOSE THE EARLY MORNING HOUR FOR PRAYER. Many of the mightiest men of God have followed the Lord's example in this. In the morning hour the mind is fresh and at its very best. It is free from distraction, and that absolute concentration upon God which is essential to the most effective prayer is most easily possible in the early morning hours. Furthermore, when the early hours are spent in prayer, the whole day is sanctified, and power is obtained for overcoming its temptations, and for performing its duties. More can be accomplished in prayer in the first hours of the day than at any other time during the day. Every child of God who would make the most out of his life for Christ, should set apart the first part of the day to meeting God in the study of His Word and in prayer. The first thing we do each day should be to go alone with God and face the duties, the temptations, and the service of that day, and get strength from God for all. We should get victory before the hour of trial, temptation or service comes. The secret place of prayer is the place to fight our battles and gain our victories. R.A. Torrey - "How to Pray"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Now here's a word you don't hear much these days. . . ABIDE. Why is the word abide so important when it comes to prayer? Because Christ said "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." (John 15:7) Abide means to "endure without yielding". The Savior tells us that if we endure with Him without yielding, our prayers will be answered! When the activities of this life cause you to say "I don't have time to pray". . . Don't yield! When the world attempts to draw you away and replace Bible reading with other literature. . . Don't yield! God's word cannot abide in us if we don't spend time in it! Let's make a conscious effort this week to ABIDE in Christ and see if it doesn't make a difference in our prayer life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Capital "F" Friend!

Each of us have friends of one kind or another. Some very close; others more casual, but I am so glad to know I have a capital "F" friend! What do I mean by a capital "F" friend ? Consider this passage from Luke chapter 11: “Suppose one of you has a Friend, and goes to Him at midnight and says to Him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him’ . . . because of his persistence, He will get up and give him as much as he needs." Isn't it good to know we have a Friend that we can go to 24 hours a day if we have a friend in need ? In this parable Christ is telling His disciples "Come to me anytime you have a friend in need and because you are My friend your persistance will pay off and I will provide what you need." Be persistant in prayer! Ask and keep on asking. We have a capital "F" friend!

Monday, September 19, 2011

One Hour

I don't know about you, but when I read this passage, I can immediately relate : " And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?" Matthew 26:40  ONE HOUR ! Peter couldn't even stay up and pray with Christ for one hour! Sound familiar ? Many of us; like Peter, have good intentions. Unfortunately when it comes right down to it, an hour can seem like a long time to pray. We've had a long day, we're tired. . . is there a solution ? Because we know the flesh is weak Mark 14:38 I have found three things in particular that help combat the flesh. (1) Pick a time of day to pray when your energy level is high! For me it is early in the morning. It may be a different time for you. If we know the flesh is weak, pick a time when it is strong. (2) Begin praying about something that you have a passion for. For me it is family. One by one, name by name. Do you want to see the lost saved and the saved grow in Christ? When we pray with passion and purpose we remain alert. (3) Pray when you HAVE TO BE alert. Do you have a long drive ahead of you? Utilize that time to be productive for the kingdom ! Before you know it ONE HOUR might become more !!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let Us Go To The House Of The Lord !

Today is national "Back To Church Sunday". If you recall, this special day was instituted after 9/11/2001. Hearts and minds were turned to God as we considered the tragedy of that day. Churches were packed from coast to coast as so many began to consider the reality of eternity in light of those events. Let's commemorate and honor those who lost their lives, by getting back to church today! I would further challenge us all to STAY IN CHURCH. The admonition from the writer in Hebrews 10:25 was to " not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Do we see Christ's return approaching? Are there signs of His imminent return? I'm with King David, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." Psalm 122:1

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pleasing in His Sight

How amazing is it to consider that what we do might be "pleasing in HIS sight" ? ! According to Scripture that is what happens when we keep the commandments of God. In the third chapter of "How To Pray" R.A. Torre challenges us to consider how our conduct impacts our prayer life. Is it possible that how we live can influence how God responds to our prayers? 1st John 3:22 says: "And whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight." Did you ever notice that when your children are behaving; and they ask for things, how much more willing we are to respond to those requests ? Torre suggests that our heavenly Father is no different. As we lift our petitions to the Lord today, let's ask the Holy Spirit to so direct our steps that the Father will be pleased. After all, if we. .  . " being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" Matthew 7:11.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Praying is the most important part of the present ministry of our risen Lord!

In his book "How to Pray" R.A.Torey lists eleven reasons for the importance of prayer. My personal favorite is number five : PRAYING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE PRESENT MINISTRY OF OUR RISEN LORD. Think about it. After His ascension until now Christ primary goal has been to perform intercessory prayer for us! Romans 8:34 says of Christ that it is He "that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, WHO ALSO MAKETH INTERCESSION FOR US." If as Christians we are to seek to be conformed to the image of Christ, His priorities should be our priorities. His concerns should be our concerns. His passions should be our passions. As we enter into prayer today, let's be conscious of the fact that we are in very good company! Have a blessed day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome !

I have been recently blessed by R.A. Torey's book "How to Pray" It is in response to his challenge to take more seriously our privilege of prayer, that I have developed this prayer blog. I hope you find it encouraging, helpful and rewarding.

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