The "ABC"s of Prayer. "V" is for Vision
Vision is so critical to the success of any endeavor. The book of Proverbs warns us that "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) One of my favorite quotes about vision says : "Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference." That should be the goal of every believer. . . “making a difference.” (Jude 1:22) If we think in terms of eternal value, there is no endeavor that can make a more positive difference than in the area of prayer. And to be successful, prayer requires vision as well. I am currently reading “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson. It is probably the most thought provoking, vision and goal setting book on prayer I have ever read. Listen to Mark’s thoughts on prayer and vision and how he explains that the two are virtually inseparable : “We need different miracles during different seasons of life. We pursue different dreams during different stages of life. We stake claim to different promises in different situations. It’s a moving target, but you have to start somewhere. Why not right here right now? Don’t just read the Bible. Start circling the promises. Don’t just make a wish. Write down a list of God-glorifying life goals. Don’t just pray. Keep a prayer journal. Define your dream. Claim your promise. Spell your miracle!”
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ABC VBS Pictures 6-27-12
*First pictures from ABC VBS 2012! *
It has been a fantastic first two days! Pray that the Lord open Hearts and
Minds using the information that is pre...
12 years ago
Brian, and a vision without action is an hallucination.
Brian, and a vision without action is an hallucination.
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