Thursday, October 20, 2011

The "ABC"s of Prayer - "A" is for Access

           Remember the excitement you felt when your children could first recite their “ABC”s? I can’t help but believe that our Heavenly Father is also thrilled when His children begin to comprehend the “ABC”s of prayer! Just as it is critical for a young child to know the alphabet in order to advance scholastically, so believers must master the fundamentals of prayer so that we can reach a place of spiritual growth, fulfillment and joy when it comes to prayer.

            First and foremost “A” stands for ACCESS. Before we can even approach God in prayer, it is essential to understand that we only have access to God in prayer through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. “For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” (Eph. 2:18) It is for this reason that the writer of Hebrews proclaimed that we can “come boldly onto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb. 4:16) The veil that once prevented man’s access into holiest area of God’s temple has been torn in two and we now have access directly into the throne room of God the Father. We have ACCESS !


jeff noel said...

Brian, the email subscription worked great. This post came directly to my inbox. It was easily "accessible". PS. Greetings from Texas.

Praying MANtis said...

That's awesome "Jungle Jeff" ! Don't forget to join my blog as a member so your blog site can be displayed on my Member Slide Show. Seize the day my brother!

Praying MANtis

jeff noel said...

Seize the day as a battle cry, not simply an overused motto, right?

Praying MANtis said...

"Seize the Day" is definately not an overused motto and more than a battle cry. Battle cries fade at the end of a skirmish. "Seize the Day" is our MANTA !!

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