Thursday, August 9, 2012

Prayer By The Numbers - "One" stands for God

It is quite fitting that the number ONE should represent our God. Interestingly enough, the passage in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 6:4) that announces ONE time that "The Lord our God is one Lord." is also mentioned only ONE time in the New Testament (Mark 12:29)as well. In both instances; Moses and then Christ Himself, encourage us to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind." It is clear that our Lord is to be the focus of our life. I can't imagine failing to talk to some one that I love with all my heart, soul and mind. In all the years that my wife and I have been married, I can honestly not remember one full day passing without talking to her. Even when I have been out of town, I have felt that desire to talk to her. There is something therapeutic about just hearing her voice. When it comes to prayer, should that not be the theme of our prayer life? That there is one so special; so dear to us, that we cannot let even one day pass without a conversation with the One who loves us with an "everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)


jeff noel said...

You are a very lucky man. :)

Praying MANtis said...

I know that. . . but thanks for the reminder!

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