Thursday, February 9, 2012

The "ABC"s of Prayer - "P" is for Peace

One of the greatest desires of all mankind is peace. Unfortunately we seem to look everywhere for it except to the only One who can provide it. The prophet Isaiah may have said it best when he wrote: "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:" (Isaiah 26:3) To experience true peace we must fill our minds with thoughts of our Lord. In fact, the Apostle Paul took focusing on God one step further by telling the church at Philippi to put everything else aside and to "be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." (Philippians 4:6) When we focus on our Heavenly Father and make our requests known to Him in prayer then. . . "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7) The PRINCE OF PEACE!


jeff noel said...

Brian,I personally believe that peace and contentment are the two end products for doing the right things, etc.

Peace with who we are and content with what we have.

Simple. Profound. Difficult.

Praying MANtis said...

Great comment Jeff. I will say;from my perspective though, that the only time I am doing "right things" is when my mind is focused on the Lord. Otherwise I have a tendancy to listen to the voice of "the old man" and when I do, the peace leaves also. Appreciate you brother!

jeff noel said...

Brian, btw, loved this post. (forgot to say that yesterday). :)

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