Did you realize that
Intercession is actually somewhat different by definition than prayer ? In fact the book of First Timothy specifies that there are four types of communication that exist between God and His children: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men"
1 Timothy 2:1. Intercession means to intervene between two parties with a view to reconciling of differences. To mediate. The role of intercession for the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26) and Christ Himself (Romans 8:34) is somewhat different than that of the believer. The main purpose for intercessory prayer for the Christian is for the salvation of the lost, the "reconciling of differences" if you will. The Bible tells us that our sins had seperated us from God, (Isaiah 59:2) and "that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself."
2 Corinthians 5:19 If Christ has fulfilled His role in reconciliation of God to man, then shouldn't we be fulfilling our role as mediators to a Holy God on behalf of those we know who are in need of salvation ? Do you have someone on your prayer list that is unsaved that you pray for on a continual basis ? If not, let today be that day. Someone is counting on you!
Mornin'. :)
Feed us brother Brian.
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